Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Dale here.

Thanks, Mike! Now let me be a bit of a whiner. The thing about Blogger/Blogspot is that only one person (in our case, thelichtenbergiansociety) can write posts. If we really want a separate blog for Lichtenbergian business, I can set up one over at dalelyles.com and make us all contributors, i.e., each can post under his own name.

I had hesitated suggesting such a thing before because I didn't know whether everyone wanted to add yet another blog to their day's tour.

Of course, I can always set up our own domain, if we're determined. (It's no work at all; I just didn't know what others really wanted.)



The Lichtenbergian Society said...

I think Dale has a point. It is getting a little difficult to keep up with Dale's blog, the Lichtenberg Society and the Lacuna group, but they overlap so often. It would be nice to have them all in one place, where we can all post.


Marc said...

I differ to you more accomplished web publishers on the question of location. All I want to know is if I want to post on the blogspot blog, how do I do it? Marc

Anonymous said...

Also, I hate not being able to edit comments.

Mike Funt said...

If we want to move the blog, I am perfectly fine. I would like for everyone to be able to post under their own name as well. I just didn't know you could do that. I only made this one for the reasons I listed on Dale's blog, I am not married to this location.
Also, I would totally be up for a LS webpage. I could help design. Just let me know where we end up.

Anonymous said...

We'll just use WordPress like the other two blogs. That gives us a universe of themes to look at, plus multiple author/contributors to the blog, editable comments, plus static pages separate from the blog.

I will ask the next, most obvious question over at my blog.